THE <body> TAG The content of your HTML page (represented in the following example as... your page...) resides withi…
THE <body> TAG The content of your HTML page (represented in the following example as... your page...) resides withi…
THE <HTML> TAG The <html> Tag The first page structure tag in every HTML page is the <html> tag. It ind…
Learning the Basics of HTML In this lesson, you learn about each of the basic HTML tags in more depth, and begin writing w…
ABOUT HTML ATTRIBUTES HTML, elements can be modified by attributes. Attributes are placed within the o…
CREATING A SAMPLE HTML PAGE So, getting started with a simple example by that you can get a basic feel of HTML. To get star…
STRUCTURE OF HTML PAGE BASIC STRUCTURE OF HTML HTML, by virtue of its SGML heritage, is a language for describin…